Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Unique Party Ideas

We are often asked about what are the latest and greatest unique party ideas. Over the past year we have seen a large increase in the amount of circus and carnival parties, construction theme birthday parties for boys, and a Medieval party theme. Of course if you want a really unique party theme try a Redneck party or start a new family tradition of getting friends and family over for a Groundhog party theme to try to convince the little guy to give us an early spring. Check out this great photo from one of our guests who picked up some Groundhog Top Hats for their party.
Groundhog Party ThemeAnother trend we see is people combining themes for a unique party theme. For example, instead of just hosting a traditional pink or blue baby shower, why not combine western decorations with them for a Western theme baby shower. Basically, put a unique slant on a traditional party theme. Host a luau retirement party or a Hollywood Star Birthday party. We have even heard of people hosting a pirate retirement party (we haven't received pictures of that so if you have some please e-mail them to us!). Mix and match almost any party theme to create your own unique party. Check out all of our theme party supplies to give hopefully give you some ideas on what unique party theme you could create.

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