Monday, August 22, 2011

Fire Prevention Week 2011-Are you ready?

This year Fire Prevention Week will run from October 9-15, 2011. It is during this week that you learn not to play with matches, not to play with any lighters, whether it is a cigarette lighter or a candle lighter. And basically not to play with or around fire at all. You also learn what to do if there is a fire in your home by trying to get out as quickly as possible, and have a designated place outside where all of your family members meet. You also want to make sure your home is well equipped with smoke alarms. Or if you do have plenty of smoke alarms how you need to check the batteries and make sure they work properly.

A few more safety tips they teach you during Fire Prevention Week is how if you ever catch your clothes on fire how you need to stop, drop, and roll. Or if there is lots of smoke in your room how you need to crawl as close to the floor as possible because the smoke rises to the ceiling. Then once you get to the door you'll want to use the back of your hand to test the door knob to make sure the fire isn't right outside your door. If the door is hot, stay in your room and place a towel or piece of clothing outside your window to let someone know you are there. If the door is cool, then cautiously open the door then try to cautiously exit the burning house or building.

During Fire Prevention Week your local firehouse may hold an Open House to teach you about the basics of fire safety, take a ride in a fire truck, pick up a balloon, or try on the fireman’s gear or uniform.

We have the perfect Fireman's helmets and Fireman's badge to wear during an Open House. We have two different styles of Fireman badges. We have a Junior Firefighter Plastic Badge with clip. All you would do is slip the clip down over your shirt pocket. We also have Fire Chief Badges; these also have a plastic clip that would slip down over your shirt. And a Fire Chief Plastic Badge with clip.

We have an assortment of Fire Chief Hats! We have a variety of colors, with a variety of color shields. Our best and most popular hat is the Red Plastic Fire Chief Hat with a blue shield. We also have a Red Plastic Fire Chief with a silver shield. We also have a Red Plastic Fire Chief’s Hat with a cute Dalmatian and a blue shield. For all you girls out there we have a pink version, the Pink Plastic Fire Chief Hat with a cute Dalmatian shield too!

We also have Yellow Plastic Fire Chief Helmets available too. One of the Yellow Plastic Fire Chief Hats has a blue shield; we also have another Yellow Plastic Fire Chief Hat with a silver shield. We also have a White Plastic Fire Chief Hat, one has a blue fire chief shield, and a White Plastic Fire Chief Hat with a silver fire chief shield. The Fire Chief Hat also comes in the color black, we have a Black Plastic Fire Chief Hat, with a blue shield, and a Black Plastic Fire Chief Hat with a silver shield.

If you are looking for little fire chief hats to decorate a table take a look at the Miniature Plastic Fire Chief Hats. Unfortunately, these would be too small to actually wear.

We hoped to have taught you a little about fire safety, and to let you know that we offer fire hats and fire shields at reasonable prices. Enjoy this years Fire Prevention Week!

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